Sustainable & Regenerative Tourism
These are some of the small ways in which we are reducing our impact on the planet through adopting practices that help minimise waste, reduce electricity usage, decrease food miles, and proudly support one of the Island's much loved Citizen Science projects!
This is only the beginning - we will continue to seek alternatives to change the ways in which we do business.

Home grown
Food sovereignty is becoming paramount for many reasons, and the situation on Kangaroo Island is even more pressing. In addition to the occasional ferry cancellation, cutting off supplies from the mainland, the nutritional value of the produce is compromised after it has travelled the extra food miles. Not to mention the impact on the planet, of those food miles.
We are in the process of significantly expanding our own organic kitchen garden for guests to forage in.
Eliminating plastic
In the past we have purchased individual containers of hand soap and bottles of cleaning liquids. We have now made the switch to soluble tablets and reusable glass containers, from Skipper.
We use toilet cleaning sheets manufactured by The Little Bamboo company and are phasing out the supermarket bought detergent and replacing with evercleaner dishwashing sachets.
Our next objective is to supply eco-friendly personal care products (shampoo, conditioner & body wash).

Reduce Reuse Recycle
Reduce: In addition to eliminating small plastic bottles of hand soap, dishwashing liquid and cleaning products, we also purchase a number of items in bulk, such as our Who Gives a Crap toilet paper. We have reusable shopping bags for our own use, but also loan to guests when the need arises. The water to the Guesthouse if filtered so guests can top up their water bottles instead of purchasing more plastic ones. Reuse: Our guests are provided with a bath towel and mat on arrival for the duration of their stay - we only change over linen if their stay exceeds 7 days. Recycle: We actively participate in our Council's glass, paper, tin and hard plastic recycling and green waste program.
Fresh air vs clothes dryer
While we do have a clothes dryer for those days when we cannot hope to get our towels and sheets dried on the line, we predominantly use the most environmentally friendly drying method - the glorious sunshine and the deliciously fresh salty air!
The result is not only better for the environment & our bank account, but our guests notice the difference too.

Dolphin Watch
For every guest who books a Reset & Revitalise Retreat through the KI Dragonfly, we will make a donation towards dolphin research undertaken by the Victor Harbor and Kangaroo Island Dolphin Watch team.
The Dolphin Watch program is one of the many - and longest running! - Citizen Science projects on Kangaroo Island.